11 December 2008

Carbonfund Offsets

I received the following in an email today from carbonfund.org:

We're very pleased to announce that through your support, we're now offsetting over 4 billion pounds of carbon dioxide emissions. That's equivalent to the carbon dioxide emissions of over 205 million gallons of gas consumed or the electricity use of 240,000 homes for a year. We reached this important milestone through individual support (we're now over 400,000 supporters strong) and new partnerships.

This is great news, because it was just back in October of this year that they announced reaching 3 billion pounds of offset. I just put up a post from Carbon Neutral Digest that puts some more figures on what 4 billion pounds adds up to. Carbon Neutral Digest is a site that provides an up to date list of all US based carbon neutral organizations and a detailed description of their practices and what is involved with each offset program.

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